Dr. Paul Newton,
Dr Newton, DC, is a chiropractor in Long Beach, CA practicing chiropractic physician for 27 years. He graduated from the Southern California University of Health Sciences, formerly The Los Angeles College of Chiropractic. Dr. Newton became a chiropractor to help people lead healthier, pain-free lives. He spends time off with his family and plays as much tennis as time permits.

Dr. Michael Truong
Michael Truong, MD, is a licensed physician with the Medical Board of California. He received his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin and has served patients as a general practitioner for over 8 years. His current focus areas include primary care medicine, interventional pain management, and concierge medical services that involve unconventional treatments for conditions not well served by the current standard medical system.

Dr. Gary Rinzler
Dr. Rinzler is a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) for 35 years. After completing a combined Doctorate in Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health, he interned at Tufts University and Harvard University Hospitals, attaining Board Certification in 1988. Additional training and certification in Pain Management, Addiction Medicine, Traumatic Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries, Stroke, and other neuromuscular rehabilitation, balanced his practice. When not at work, he is busy raising his teenage son, playing piano, guitar, and drums, as music has been a side hobby for several decades.